Enable GPU rendering for Microsoft Remote Desktop
Some software uses powerful graphics and the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) for fast display of the screen. However, running engineering software and other graphics-heavy software in a Remote Desktop environment can be challenging for the primary reason that Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop does not allow GPU rendering by default. Starting up the graphics-heavy software may generate errors when the software attempts to initialize DirectX or OpenGL GPU display drivers on the host computer. This issue can be easily resolved by adjusting the group policy on the host computer to allow the use of GPU rendering during a Remote Desktop session.
1. Display the dialog box To carry out from Windows again by pressing the Win + R keys (the Windows key and the “R” key at the same time) on the keyboard. This will display the Windows Run dialog box.
2. Typ gpedit.msc in the Open item and then press Enter or click the button [OK]

3. The Local Group Policy Editor application appears. Use the navigation panel on the left and select Administrative templates > Windows-componenten > Remote Desktop Services > Host Remote Desktop session > Remote Sessions Environment > RemoteFX for Windows Server, as shown below.

4. In the displayed panel, right-click the item RemoteFX configureren and then select To process in the displayed context menu.

5. The following dialog box appears. Select the Enabled radio button and then click the button [OK].

6. Select and right-click on Optimize the visual experience when using RemoteFX and then select To process in the displayed context menu.

7. Select the Enabled radio button and then click the button [OK].

8. Select and right click on it Visuele ervaring voor sessies met Remote Desktop Services and then select Edit from the displayed context menu.

9. Select the Enabled radio button and then click the button [OK].

10. Note that the status at RemoteFX configureren, Optimize visual experience when using RemoteFX Optimize en Visual experience for Remote Desktop Service session sessions are set to Enabled.

11. Select from the navigation panel on the left environment of remote sessions as shown below.

12. In the displayed panel, right-click the item graphics hardware adapter for all Remote Desktop Services sessions and then select To process in the displayed context menu.

13. Select the Enabled radio button and then click the button [OK].

14. Select and right-click on Compression For RemoteFX-gegevensinvoer configureren and then select Edit from the displayed context menu.

15. Select the Enabled radio button and then click the button [OK].

16. Note that the status of “Use the default graphics hardware adapter for all Remote Desktop Services sessions and Configure compression for RemoteFX Data Group Policy” are set to Enabled.

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